Our School Nurse is: Nurse Connie
Clinic Phone Number: 407-347-0980, ext. 6042229
Clinic hours are Monday thru Friday 7:00 am – 2:30 pm
Students can see the nurse only after securing a pass from their teacher. Students not being released to home will be returned to class within 20 minutes.
Chronic medical conditions such as, but not limited to, Asthma, Diabetes, life-threatening Allergies, etc. should be discussed at the beginning of the school year with the school nurse. Parents are required to complete the emergency information form each year and provide current working phone numbers of all contacts listed.
Medication Procedures:
If a student needs to take medication during the school day, the following procedures must be followed:
All medication must be administered by the school nurse or designated trained person
Whenever possible, the medication should be taken at home. If medication must be taken at school, the following rules apply:
PARENTS must bring the medication to school and must complete the authorization form
Prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy labeled container. Parents can ask their pharmacist to provide them with two containers: one for school and one for home. Medications, including eye drops, cannot be transferred to and from school.
Over the counter medications (for example Tylenol, Motrin, Midol) will only be accepted in the factory-sealed original container
Inhalers, Epi-pens, Diabetic Supplies, and Pancreatic Enzymes may be carried by the student, provided the proper Self-Carry Authorization Forms are on file with the school. These forms require a physician signature and are available in the clinic. The original is kept in the clinic and the student must carry a copy in their backpack along with the medication.
In order for students to receive medication in the clinic, the Medication Authorization Form must be accomplished and turned in to the school nurse. Medication Authorization Forms are only good for one school year and are attached below for your convenience. Parents must pick up all personal student medications maintained in the clinic at the end of each school year. Medications that are not picked up at the end of the school year will be destroyed.
OCPS Parent Portal Online Forms Reference Sheet