Advanced Placement - AP

February 12, 2021

AP Students and Parents,

As you may be aware, the pandemic has caused many changes to our academic world, and AP testing for May 2021 will see some of those changes.  We want to keep you apprised of these changes and how AP testing will take place at Windermere High School this year.

College Board has created three administration windows for AP Testing this year, with a mix of paper/pencil and digital testing options.  To best serve our students at Windermere, all students enrolled in an AP course will be signed up for Administration 1 (May 3-17).  This administration is traditional, full-length paper/pencil exams, administered in school on Windermere’s campus.  All safety protocols will be followed for COVID-19, including: social distancing both before, during and after exams, hand sanitizing upon exam room entrance, separate entrance for LaunchEd test-takers, and room sanitization between exams.  Every subject will be offered during this administration window.

It is our belief that students at Windermere will benefit most from the paper/pencil administration of the AP exam.  We firmly believe students should take advantage of the paper/pencil administration of the exams during the May 3-17 window, as this provides the most advantageous testing environment for students and is the type of exam students will be most prepared for.

Students will only be permitted to have their exam moved to Administration 2 (May 18-28) with a valid excuse for missing Administration 1.  This administration contains some paper/pencil exams, some digital exams (depending on subject).  All paper/pencil exams will be administered in school on Windermere’s campus with all safety protocols being followed.  All digital exams will be administered at home – NO digital exams will be administered on Windermere’s campus.

Paper/pencil exams will follow the traditional AP format administered on campus using proper safety protocols.  Digital exams will ONLY be administered at home and have been designed with security in mind.  Students must keep in mind the changes for the digital exams compared to the paper/pencil exams:

  • Students will not be permitted to return to answered questions or move back and forth between unanswered questions
  • Exams will begin at the same time worldwide with synchronous section start times (12 pm and 4 pm Eastern Standard Time)
  • Exams will not include questions that can be answered with internet searches, textbooks, notes, study guides or similar materials
  • Security features will be built in to prevent collaboration, accessing unauthorized aids, or attempting to have someone else test for the student
  • Exams will be reviewed using plagiarism detection software and other monitors and post-exam analyses for detecting exam violations

    Important things to note about the May 2021 AP Exam Administration:

  • All World Language Exams (Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture), and Music Theory are ONLY offered as paper/pencil exams.These exams will NOT be offered digitally this year.
  • Calculus, Chemistry, Physics and Statistics are offered solely as paper/pencil exams in both Administration 1 and 2.
  • Students should review the AP Exam Format Information closely.There are differences in exam format for paper/pencil vs. digital for MANY of the 2021 exams (ex: students are unable to move back and forth between questions on the digital exams; Physics C does not have an FRQ section on the digital exam, etc.).
  • The deadline for submission of all Art (2D, 3D, Drawing) portfolios, Seminar, Research and CSP has been extended to Thursday, May 20, 2021.This deadline will NOT be extended again.If you are enrolled in any of these classes, please pay close attention to this deadline.

Students and Parents are highly encouraged to view ALL of the information regarding AP Testing for May 2021 here and on our website: (under the Academics Tab)




We appreciate the changes have been many during the 2020-2021 school year and we appreciate your flexibility throughout all of them.  Should you have any questions or concerns regarding AP Testing, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Amanda H. Newcomer

AP Coordinator
Windermere High School
[email protected]